Challenge - 06 - Procedures
Challenge - 06 - Procedures#
Note: Anywhere you see pass
, you must remove it for your code to work.#
[1] Write a procedure sum_of_squares()
that takes in three integers and returns the sum of their squares:#
def sum_of_squares(a, b, c):
# note: remove the word pass below!
# and replace it with your code
[2] Write a procedure half_length()
that takes as arguments a string and returns a float representing half the string’s length:#
def half_length(s):
# note: remove the word pass below!
# and replace it with your code
[3] Write a procedure sum_code_points()
that takes in three characters (single letter strings, e.g., ‘a’, ‘r’, ‘3’) and return the sum of their Unicode code points. From the Python docs:#
Given a string representing one Unicode character, return an integer representing the Unicode code point of that character. For example, ord(‘a’) returns the integer 97 … This is the inverse of chr().
>>> ord('a')
>>> ord('b')
>>> ord('4')
def sum_code_points(x, y, z):
# remember to substitute the keyword pass with your own code
[4] Write a procedure incr()
that increments a float or integer by 1 and returns that incremented value#
def incr(x):
[5] Write a procedure get_last_chr()
that returns the very last character of a string#
def get_last_chr(a_string):
[6] According to Newton’s second law of motion, force can be expressed as the product of mass and acceleration of the body. Write a procedure get_force()
that, given the mass and acceleration of an object, returns the force.#
def get_force(mass, acceleration):
[7] Write a procedure abba_ize()
that, taking in two strings, returns a string that is the first string, followed by two repetitions of the second string, followed by the first string.#
def abba_ize(a,b):